G.I.R.L.'s Guide to Taking Action

Areas of Focus

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    2022: Business & Entrepreneurship Track

    • Welcome to the Business & Entrepreneurship Track

    • Cadette-level Session 3: Social Ventures for GS Leadership

    • Senior-level Icebreaker Session 1: If you could solve ANY problem in the world, what would you solve?

    • Senior-level Session 1 Presentation: Understanding Social Innovation

    • Senior-level Session 2 Presentation: Social Media Marketing Plan

    • Senior-level: Social Innovation Worksheet & Media Marketing Plan

    • Senior-level Session 3 Jamboard

    • Senior-level Session 3 Presentation: Impact Statements & Knowing your Customers, Users, Beneficiaries and Competitors

    • Ambassador-level Session 1: Jamboard Brainstorming for Problems and Solutions

    • Ambassador-level Session 1 Presentation: Social Innovation

    • Ambassador-level Session 2 Presentation: Social Media Marketing

    • Ambassador-level Session 3 Presentation: Social Ventures - Impact Statements/Users/Competitors

    • Ambassador-level Session 3: Your Customer Problems and Solutions - SOAR Jamboard Activity

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    2022: Environmental Changemakers Track

    • Welcome to the Environmental Changemakers Track

    • What is Leave No Trace? - Saturday Feb. 5th Presentation

    • Leave No Trace Center for Outdoor Ethics - Diversity in the Outdoors

    • Leave No Trace Center for Outdoor Ethics - Citizen Science

    • Leave No Trace Center for Outdoor Ethics Partner Survey

    • Introduction to Environmental Justice with WE ACT - Saturday Feb. 12th Presentation

    • The WE ACT Story

    • What is Environmental Justice? - WE ACT

    • WE ACT Partner Survey

    • National Museum of the American Indian Online Resources

    • National Museum of the American Indian Partner Survey

    • Green Guerillas - How radical gardeners took back New York City

    • Green Guerillas: History Of Community Gardens - Saturday March 5th Presentation


    • Green Guerillas Partner Survey

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    2022: STEM for Good Track

    • Welcome to the STEM for Social Good Track

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    Leadership Institute Capstone (Final) Project - Description and Resources

    • Capstone (Final) Project - Instructions

    • Capstone (Final) Project - Planning Sheet

    • Capstone(Final) Project - Rubric

    • Capstone (Final) Project - Video Guidelines

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    Leadership Institute Capstone (Final) Project - GROUP ASSIGNMENTS

    • Capstone (Final) Project Description by Track

    • Business & Entrepreneurship Groups - Breakdown

    • STEM for Social Good Groups - Breakdown

    • Environmental Changemakers Groups - Breakdown


  • What is Leadership Institute?

    The Leadership Institute is Girl Scouts of Greater New York’s capstone leadership program, which provides a unique and essential opportunity for NYC-based girls in grades 6-12 to build their confidence as leaders and shape their views about their own potential. The program is designed to foster a generation of Girl Scouts who take action and drive systemic change in their communities and the world. Participants will gain opportunities to power up their leadership skills and connect with successful women role models, attend subject-specific seminars, work on peer committees, academic transition workshops, internships, panels, scholarships, and more!

  • What are the goals of the Leadership Institute?

    By participating in this program, participants will: Learn to navigate transition as they prepare to enter high school, college, and the workforce. Develop the skills, attitudes, and behaviors necessary for professional success, Increase interest, exposure, and practice in specific fields, Feel encouraged to deepen their knowledge of Business & Entrepreneurship, STEM, Advocacy, and the Environment. Feel inspired to become powerful agents of change, well-equipped to take action in the real world.

  • What is a Capstone Final Project?

    In their groups, program participants pick a project type that will allow each member to work on pieces independently. We are asking them to create a Call to Action project that investigates issues related to their focus area that takes steps to make real change and inspires others to take action. Projects will be virtual presentations created based on the skills and interests of all group members. They can create a video presentation of their choice which includes, but are not limited to: - Podcast - Zine - Comic book - Public Service Announcement - “YouTube” video - Exhibition - Newsletter